Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Our thanksgiving was a great day as it is every year, but this year it was extra especial because we have a lot more to give thanks for in addition to all of our blessings. This year we were blessed with the birth of our healthy baby boy and we took the time to sit down, pray, and celebrate for this amazing blessing.


He has filled our life with love and excitement as we watch him grow and learn...while teaching us that life is more about the little things not the big things...or expensive things, but mainly about patience, love, and staying close as a family.


We had the pleasure to spend this day with friends from different places as we are currently at a temporary "home" away from home. All I can say is that it was an amazing night...



This year my husband seasoned the turkey "Cuban Style" and it turned out delicious.


here is the picture with the ingredients that he used...all from GOYA


and thanks to our friends we gave thanks over deliciously made Margaritas



and we sang the night away with Kareoke



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

FAll Afternoon Walks attempting to Lose Pregnancy Weight


Lately, I have been going on afternoon walks attempting to lose the 25 lbs I have remaining to lose from the pregnancy. As I walk, I look around and enjoy the views in our neighborhood..we live in a very beautiful and peaceful place.




I think that we will miss the dry weather that makes your hair last longer, the fall season that we don't see in South Florida, and the many many more things that we experienced here for the first time. Even though some think that Fall is not noticeable here in Texas, but I definitely notice a shift in weather temperatures and in nature.


As I walk and the sun hitting my face and the breeze moving my hair has made me think a lot about when we move from here. As I see that our next door neighbors are not longer there and that I still come out thinking that I will run into Taylor Blake playing outside while his dad is mowing the lawn, or that I will hear them over the fence grilling on the weekends.

It has finally sunk in that they are gone and that soon we will be out of here as well. As I think about Betsy, Haley, and Melissa who also left with their families this year.


This is an Olive Tree. They grow with little water and are green all year long...I am all for water conservation and natural resources.


I guess I was too busy at work feeling too tired to notice all the changes that were happening around us and the ones that were about to happen once I stayed home after giving birth to our baby boy. Now, I can say that I miss them and that I wish our friends had not left before we did, but that would be selfish from our part as we also want to go back home to our families.


We have been away from home for quite some time now; It's already been 4 yrs since we moved to a Texas border with Mexico, and all we have done is dream about the day that we get to move back home and raise our child close to our families.

Sometimes I wonder if once we leave this place for good will we miss this place? I think we will miss a lot of things that now we are taking for granted. At times I am scared about moving again and regretting the change, but how can we regret to be closer to our family and friends?


Well, here in Texas we have been blessed with many friends who have become our family during our stay here. We have bonded extensively as we have many things in common...many of my friends are housewives who just gave birth, are pregnant, or have toddlers. We are most on the same age range (30 to 40's)...

Many complain and talk really bad about this place, about the violence, and look for every negative concept they can point out about this place; but I feel very different everywhere I go. I think that we can be in another continent in a palace, eating in silver plates and be unhappy because of our attitude, or on the border with Mexico and be happy and more importantly blessed.

Loves how this street ends with this view

This is the place where God wanted us to be for these past few years and this is were we have been happiest. We got married and began our family, our little Gianmarco who is a true good lucking Texan.


I know I will miss the Bouganvilleas that grow in so many colors with little watering and lots of sun all year long...they look so pretty.


The authentic Mexican cuisine, the margaritas, the vegetation, and wild life. I know that for sure my husband is going to miss the hunting as Texas is the best stay for that sport.

I will miss the deer that walk freely around our community, they seem so domesticated that I can walk near them with my camera and the baby in the stroller and they don't seem to get bothered as I take some pictures of their natural beauty.


Aren't they beautiful?
One thing I am certain about, is that there is beauty in everything and every where we go. The lord has created all things and we can either make them better, take care of them, value them, or destroy them (which we are good at doing)...I focus on capturing the beauty of things...the essence of life and love.

Have a blessed day


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Preparing for Winter

It is not cold anymore..the temperature has risen to 80's during the day and 70's at night..but there is a cool breeze that makes me want to get out of the house and breath some fresh air.


I am still enjoying my morning coffees with all the spices in them (Cloves, Cinnamon, & Ginger) and toasts with cream cheese and pineapple preserves though...I only put the spices in my coffee from October 1st to January....I love the aromas and it reminds me that winter is here and that we need to enjoy it because sooner then we think Spring will be here and the heat and beautiful flowers will begin to bloom again.


and yes, all my mugs are different. I do it purposely because I love coffee and I love to have a different cup everyday...even though I have a favorite cup.


After I knitted that hat for him this past week, I have become a little obsessed with knitting and have been thinking about new hats to make for him and maybe for some of our friend's kids. After finishing house chores, we hopped in the car to my favorite store since I became a housewife...Hobby Lobby, is just a place to be now days; to me it is like a toy store to a kid.


I love all the arts and crafts, but I am loving all the seasonal stuff..



the Yarn section has become my new favorite though.


and he doesn't complain, it's like he knows that mama loves this place and that it makes her happy to walk down this isles for a few minutes trying to figure out what colors to buy.


He chews on his Giraffe and does his favorite thing this month...Sticking out his tongue!



Our house still has all the Fall decorations up, but I am eager to decorate his first Christmas tree and enjoy a happy winter with our little blessing.


I guess that when you have a little one, seasons and holidays become even more important to adults, or is it just an excuse to celebrate as kids again?



On my way out of the store I ran into these glass vases, I thought they were so beautiful but i had not idea where to put them or what to do with them. I took 4 since they were on sale and I figured I could do something with them.


and they found a place in my kitchen window...Tad ah!


and I am loving them...I need to add more stuff to our kitchen, I want to make it pretty.

I think it needs some color...and I LOVE COLOR!

I am obsessed with Knitting

So I was able to make a hat for Gianmarco last week and I became obsessed with knitting. I am enjoying knitting night and day for as long as I am not taking care of him or doing house chores. Today we took a trip to one of my favorite stores in town...HOBBY LOBBY to me  is like a toy store for  a kid. There are so many things I love about the store...the scrap booking section, the arts and crafts...all the seasonal stuff and of course my new favorite Yarn Section :-).

I woke up had light breakfast got things ready for lunch and dinner...then got ready and left to town for a few hours as I window shopped for everything I loved.

I bought him 3 cute hats preparing for this winter...can't wait to

Our house is still decorate with Fall...but I am eager to get his first christmas tree and go all out on the decorations.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Enjoying the Cool Weather in Texas.

These past few days have been on the 50s and we are loving the weather. Both me and my husband like the temperature below 75 degrees; even though we grew up in South Florida, and are used to the humid and hot weather all year long.

We are know drinking hot chocolates, flavored coffees, and I have been knitting hats for our little one.


I made a few before I gave birth, but I am making him some new ones because those other ones are fitting him a little tight.


The moment that I became pregnant with him I became inspired to create and do many things I had not done in a while including knitting and painting. I was thought basic knitting at the age of 6 or 7 by my mother, she thought the 3 of us (my other 2 sisters).


It was a way of keeping us entertained in the afternoons and we all seemed to enjoy it very much as we were only allowed to watch TV for 1/2 hour daily...24 years later, little did I think I would remember how to knit anything; but surprisingly I did! I not only remember but was able to create something for my baby Gianmarco. I made him a few simple hats, and recently a more elaborate "Bear hat"...


I love crochet! and anything that is handmade, I value the work of others and therefore I try to make my own things. I am new to this housewife thing, so I really have not done much yet, but I am willing to learn and take advantage of the time I will be home with him to do as much as I can before I go back to the workforce.


I love how he looks with the hat on, he looks so yummy and makes me want to take hundreds of pictures of him (Which I do anyway)...


It only takes me about 1 or 2 hours to complete one these..

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The month to Give Thanks

Today on facebook someone posted on their status that we should post something we give thanks for on everyday of November. My post for today was " I give thanks for a healthy little boy who is sweeter then honey" I truly meant it, and I am looking forward to giving thanks every day and pass down the positive energy to all my friends in facebook. Giving thanks means to be grateful and to appreciate what we already have in our lives, without jealousy or envy toward others because they have something better then us. It means love and to cherish the people in our life, to feel happy for our friends and family as they accomplish success.

I give thanks for my little chubby baby who has made me feel the happiest person even on a bad day...the one who makes me forget about people who try to get me upset, and makes me realize that life is very important and therefore I need to enjoy every minute that I have with him.


Gianmarco practicing sitting up at 5 months old


In Only 5 months he has thought me so much about life...that it is worth living every minute with LOVE, PATIENCE, & CALMNESS. How can he teach me that? well, he is the most loving and patient baby I have ever seen before. He barely cries about anything, he smiles most of the time and when he is not smiling he is calmed...entertaining himself with his hands and exploring the world around him looking at color patterns and reaching out to touch new shaped objects. He only cries for a diaper change...or if I interrupt his calmness by putting clothes on him; for that reason, he spends most of the day in a diaper and at times maybe a shirt.


Did I mentioned that he is loving his hands now?



He loves to play tummy time on this blanket, or simply lay down and look around while I clean, work on my photography, or get things done around the house. Is it in beautiful? It was handmade by my friend and ex-coworker Sandra Mtz. I really loved it since the moment she gave it to me when she came to visit us for the first time after I gave birth, (I think he does too).


To night I will go to sleep giving thanks for this baby, and for the many friends that have become part of my life as we live far from home. Life without them around would be much different, less fun and less exciting...